Before taking this course I had previously worked with Adobe Creative Cloud. I enjoyed working with Photoshop, but InDesign was always my favorite. I think Adobe does a great job of giving the user creative freedom in a space that is relatively easy to navigate.

What I loved about this class is that it opened a door to a new side of Adobe for me. I gained skills in prototyping with Adobe XD, utilizing Adobe Spark, and also teaching me some new aspects on Photoshop. One of the activities we did that I enjoyed was the postcard project.

This was interesting because we got to incorporate several aspects of design such as photography and typography to create something fun.

I also really enjoyed our first project of the class because it allowed me to be able to experience what it would be like to design for a client. I was tasked with creating a portfolio website for a fellow classmate. We got to practice design, review, and communication throughout the project. As for my process, I usually tend to be a bit old fashioned and utilize a pen and paper. You can take a look at my original ideas below.

It was nice to see my idea go from a pen and paper to the screen. We learned how to create logs in Illustrator, and also how too curate a style guide.

Overall, I felt like this course really allowed me to see what it is like to step into the role of a designer. You have to ask yourself: How can I create something that will best serve the user?

I was able to continue using the skills I have acquired from this course for my Capstone project.
