For this course I learned how to launch an idea into a reality. This class was heavy on group work, which I felt was a valuable tool for me to practice, as I will be using it in the future. We learned about how crucial ideation is for projects, and we were provided with several resources on how to effectively brainstorm. I think it is important to remember that before you can find a solution, you really need to be able to unpack the problem.

We also got to explore the many agile methodologies for project management. My team highlighted the dynamic system development method. I felt like the first module highlighted how crucial it is to put the customer/consumer at the center of the equation. These methods work well in a fast paced environment and promote the use of lots of feedback. I felt that learning about these methods would be a great tool for me to use, as often the more feedback you get the better the end design will be.

We read a book called Sprint by Jake Knapp, John Zeratsky, and Braden Kowitz. This book provided a wonderful “gameplan” for problem solving that could be executed in five days. I am quickly learning that the media world is such a fast paced environment, so reading this book gave me the framework on how to fix issues in a fast and efficient manner. We then got to put the book in action with our project. We used this free tool called Mural, and I wish that I had known about this sooner. I used to plan a lot of events and this thing would have been amazing to use. It allows a shared space that makes ideation simple while still creative. It was also such a great tool to use with this online program because it lets you collaborate from anywhere! For our Sprint project we decided to add a political blocking feature to the Twitter app. I really enjoyed getting to show others our prototype, gather feedback, and make helpful adjustments. I think in the end it turned out great!

Lastly, in this course we spent some time on interactive project management which will tie into our capstone project. We were able to lay down the framework for our project and combine ideation techniques to brainstorm our final project!
