As soon as we kicked off this class, I was much more confident in my decision to work with a team rather than individually. In all honesty, I am not certain this project would have come out as well as it has if it had been done individually. What I think made the Cync team so capable was that we all brought something different to the table, and we were able to hone in on our individual skills to come together and create something awesome! For this particular class we combined skills from all of our previous classes to design and develop Cync. We used app development, design, and website building skills to create this next phase of our capstone project.

This class taught me skills about teamwork that I feel I will utilize in my professional career. I have learned a lot about, time management, producing deliverables, and presentation skills. We used Swift UI and Xcode to create our app, and we feel it is ready for user testing. Below you can find out video presentation for Mini Merge 2021! The video encompases everything from our final Beta design, our design systems, and our user testing plan. I am excited for this next phase of Cync and for what is to come in the Spring of 2022. If you would like to dive deeper into the development of Cync please refer to the dropdown menu on the Capstone tab above.
