This course was one of my favorites during my EM journey. We read the Design of Everyday Things by Don Norman. I find him more and more interesting the more I learn about him. His views on UX design really remind the designer to keep the user at top of mind. We learned a lot about the history of UX Design and I was shocked to learn truly how long this concept had been around, dating all the way back to 4000 B.C.

I learned several skills that I am excited to add to my UX Toolkit. We learned how to work with Figma, which is a great free tool that can be used for prototyping. We also learned how to use Google analytics. I can see myself using both of these in my desired field.

This course was a key stepping stone on my Capstone Journey. During this course myself and the Cync team created two crucial items for the overall success of our project:

Design Systems – This is essentially the overall marketing plan for our app. It includes thing like the logo, color palette, typography, development toolbox, pattern library, and the component library. It will serve as a blueprint for all things Cync! We created this using Adobe InDesign, which is another prototyping tool. Our logo was created using Adobe Illustrator.

UX-RP – Throughout this course we learned a lot about proper ways to complete user testing. This document is the plan we have created to embark on our user testing. This document has everything from our pre/post test questions, a list of tasks for the user to complete, and a consent form. It specifically describes almost every step we plan to use in the upcoming Spring semester. Throughout this course we also learned how to analyze the data we gather, and I an excited to put these skills to the test next semester.
