Project Pitch

Thriving communities. 5-star school systems. Leisure and recreation for every interest. Career opportunities in the arts, entertainment, commerce, and skilled trades abound. This is the mission every family and business strives for within their community. Cync exists to help bring this vision into reality.

Hello Cync.

Cync is at your fingertips to serve as a simple tech solution to assist the rural Chamber of Commerce in creating a flourishing community ripe with opportunity. Chamber organizations utilize Cync as a tech assistant along their journey to actualize their goals for local communities. Designed to bridge the gap for residents and the Chamber, Cync is an iOS app that provides a fully customizable platform to foster information exchange and bolster economic growth. Features that offer value to rural Chamber organizations include information about the local Chamber, Events, Dining, and a Go Local section to encourage residents to stay local. All situated in one convenient app, Cync features provide Chamber information to residents and grow the local economy. We hope Cync can help communities like yours!

Cync Inspiration

Cync was inspired by a drive for community, technology, and innovation. The founders of Cync share a common passion and expertise in working within close-knit communities, specifically with the local Chamber of Commerce. Team experience with the local chamber granted our group with a unique set of tools to solve and provide insight into the unique challenges that rural communities face. Cync partnered with the chamber to assist local residents.

You can check out our Medium Journal post to learn more about everything that went into the development of this revolutionary product.
